Sweet Bouquet Emporium
Cadbury Chocolate Bouquet
Cadbury Chocolate Bouquet
Indulge in a bouquet that's sure to satisfy your sweet and chocolate loving tooth! Our Cadbury Chocolate Bouquet is the perfect gift for any chocolate lover who deserves a little pick-me-up. With a stylish purple box designed in a bouquet style, this gift is sure to make your loved one smile.
Inside the box, you'll find an assortment of delicious Cadbury chocolates that will leave your taste buds dancing with joy. From the classic Dairy Milk bar to the satisfying Crunchie, every bite will be a sweet escape.
To add a personal touch, you can include a personalised gift card with a range of designs to choose from. This thoughtful gesture is sure to make your loved one feel extra special.
So go ahead, spoil yourself or someone special with our Cadbury Chocolate Bouquet. It's the perfect way to satisfy any chocolate craving and brighten up any occasion.
Cadbury Chocolate Bouquet contents:
Dairy Milk Caramel Large Bar
Dairy Milk Fruit & Nut
Double Decker
Curly Wurly x2
Dairy Milk Giant Buttons