Jumbo Retro Sweet Bouquet
Jumbo Retro Sweet Bouquet
Introducing the Jumbo Retro Sweet Bouquet, the ultimate sweet treat for the biggest sweet tooth! This amazing bouquet is filled with classic sweets that will bring back memories of childhood and put a smile on the face of anyone who loves a sweet treat. It comes in a wonderful red bouquet box with white tissue and white bow.
It includes classic sweets such as Giant Fizzers, Millions, Double Lollies, Refresher Bars, Haribo bags and so much more!
This amazing bouquet is the perfect gift for someone who loves sweets, and it's a great way to show someone special just how much you care. With so many sweets to choose from, the Jumbo Retro Sweet Bouquet is sure to please everyone, and it comes with a personalised gift card so you can enter your own special message.
Jumbo Retro Sweet Bouquet Contents: