Jumbo Sweet & Chocolate Bouquet
Jumbo Sweet & Chocolate Bouquet
The Jumbo Sweet & Chocolate Bouquet from the Sweet Bouquet Emporium! A wonderful mix of some of the most popular sweets and chocolate in the UK, neatly presented in this wonderful jumbo bouquet. The perfect gift.
Wrapped in a gorgeous purple bouquet-style box with a shimmering purple bow and orange tissue, this bouquet is a true sight to behold. And with the option to add your own personalised message on a gift card (available in a range of designs), you can make your gift truly special.
But let's talk about what's inside. Bursting with a tantalising array of treats, this bouquet is packed with everything from classic sweets like Flumps and Giant Fizzers to more adventurous treats like Fizz Wizz Popping Candy in both strawberry and cola flavours. And of course, no sweet bouquet would be complete without a few beloved chocolate favourites like Dairy Milk, Galaxy Caramel, and Kinder Bueno.
Whether you're looking for a unique gift for a loved one or simply want to treat yourself to a little indulgence, the Jumbo Sweet & Chocolate Bouquet is the perfect choice. So go ahead and take a bite – we promise it's sweet enough to satisfy even the most insatiable sweet tooth!
Jumbo Sweet & Chocolate Bouquet contents:
Fizz Wizz Popping Candy Strawberry x2
Fizz Wizz Popping Candy Cola x2
Stinger Bar
Refresher Packs
Giant Fizzers
Double Dip x2
Flump x2
Bubblegum Strip
Giant Love Hearts
Rainbow Drops x2
Haribo Starmix Treat Bag x2
Haribo Tangfastics Treat Bag x2
Haribo Supermix Treat Bag x2
Fruity Pops (3 Lollies)
Double Lollies (3 Lollies)
Strawberry Refresher Bar
Refreshers Sour Apple Chew Bar
Refresher Lemon Chew Bar
Millions Tubes
Dairy Milk
Dairy Milk Caramel
Galaxy Caramel
Galaxy Cookie Crumble
Curly Wurly
Aero Bubbly Peppermint
Milkybar White Chocolate Sharing Bar 90g
Giant Buttons
Kinder Bueno Bar