Sweet Bouquet Emporium
The Red Festive Christmas Bouquet
The Red Festive Christmas Bouquet
The Red Festive Christmas Bouquet makes for the perfect Christmas gift. Containing a range of Christmas and traditional sweet and chocolate treats such as peppermint candy canes, Lindt chocolate bars, Terrys chocolate snowballs and much more.
Don't forget to add your own festive message to make it the perfect gift this Christmas. In total there are 30 items in this bouquet! Hand-wrapped and made to order in the UK.
The The Red Festive Christmas Bouquet contains:
Peppermint Candy Cane x4
Fruity Pops (3 Lollies)
Ferrero Rocher 3 Pack x2
Haribo Supermix Treat Bag x2
Quality Street Matchmakers Cool Mint
Maltesers Box
Christmas Foiled Chocolate Shapes x2
Christmas Jelly Pop x2
Lindt Lindor Milk Chocolate Bar x2
Double Dip
Drumstick Chew Bar
Refreshers Strawberry Chew Bar
Drumstick Chews Original Stick Pack
Hubba Bubba
Maoam Stripes (3 Stripes)
KitKat x2
Fizz Wiz Strawberry Popping Candy x2
Terrrys Chocolate Orange Snowballs
Cadbury Chomp x2